200+ images by 30+ artists
(see below)
Goldman, Silverman, Sullivan
According to the word on the street (or avenue, in this case) gallery blink’s forthcoming show demonstrates that many visual artists also have a way with words.
‘WORDplay’, our upcoming exhibition, features art inspired by text. Some pieces incorporate text as part of the image while others take their inspiration from a book, poem, play, newspaper, or magazine article. The show is not pun-free!
Art ‘speaks’ whether or not text is included, but in this show, the inspiration of the written language combined with the visual language of an artist makes for a compelling body of work. Each piece of art has its own story to tell. We think it makes a good read.

Jeanne Borofsky, Sandra Bowden, Son-Mey Chiu, Judith Cooper, Christiane Corcelle, Deepak Das, Gracia Dayton, Susan Drennan, Soosen Dunholter, Tamar Etingen, Tracy Fischer, Ann Forbush, Patricia Gerkin, Ania Gilmore, Leslie Goldman, Dilla Gooch Tingley, Jon Goplerud, Mary Graham, Judith Hochberg, Dora Hsiung, Robert Hsiung, Lisa Jobe, Brad Johnson, Richard Kattman, Julie Laukkanen, Barney Levitt, Barbara G. Lucas, Sandra Mayo, Susan Paladino, Emily Passman, Marie Peters, Deborah Read, Gillian Ross, Gloria Ross, Connie Saems, Rani Sarin, Marilyn Sherman, Betsy Silverman, Marie Stabile, Lorraine Sullivan, Donna Hamil Talman, Mary Teichman, Marina Thompson, Kim Triedman, Amy Schupler Veaner, Karen Watson, Charyl Weissbach