details of work by Thomas Briere, Hannah Nersasian, Kathleen Kemp :: 60+ artists participating

APRIL 4 - MAY 4, 2025

Saturday, April 5th, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
All Welcome!

200+ artworks by 60+ New England artists

Our upcoming show ‘MEMORIES’ is a themed exhibition.
Some of the art is mellow and reflective,
some is celebratory and vibrant.

Artwork may be inspired by times past, or time passing.
Some works reflect on the making of memories.
Others use vintage materials with a contemporary ‘twist’.

All the work together will provide you with a
’memorable experience’!

We feature over 60 New England artists and
more than 250 pieces, representing an array of styles, media and
subject matter, to appeal to a wide audience.

The show coincides with Lexington’s 250th celebrations
during Patriot’s Day weekend.
A time for celebrating Lexington’s role,
honoring the past,
inspiring the future.

Come and enjoy!

Marcy Aronson :: Jane Bailey :: Laurie Bogdan :: Paula Borsetti :: Michele Boshar :: Thomas Briere :: Hilary Hanson Bruel :: Beverly Carter :: Sally Cochrane :: Justine Curran :: Angel Dean :: Pamela Dorris DeJong :: Lorrie DiCesare :: Donna DiGiovanni :: Sue Dion :: Parrish Dobson :: Soosen Dunholter :: Ann Eldridge :: Margo Ezekiel :: Tess Faraci : Doug Fox : Kathleen George :: Alex Gerasev :: Ann Gillespie :: Ania Gilmore :: Robert A. Gonsalves :: Anna Gorbett :: Sara Gravante :: Nancy Hamann :: Janice Hayes-Cha :: Martha Heller :: Linda Hoffman :: Lisa Houck :: Dora Hsiung :: Kathleen Kemp :: Cindy Kennelly :: Christine Ledoux :: Tracy Levesque :: Barney Levitt :: Deborah Lipka :: Fiona Lovell-Horning :: Heidi Mann :: Barbara Marder :: Caitlyn Marsh :: Elizabeth Martinez :: Valerie Maser-Flanagan :: Susan McAnneny :: Suzanne McLeod :: Heather Milliman :: Irina Moroz :: Hannah Nersasian :: Karole Nicholson :: Anne Nydam :: Alissa O'Brien :: Maxwell Orsen :: Ross Ozer :: Jane Henry Parsons :: Marie Peters :: Anna Rejoyce :: Elizabeth Reynolds :: Donni Richman :: Melissa Riley :: Carol Rissman :: Nancy Roberts :: Bonnie Ryan :: Connie Saems :: Sharon Schindler :: Carol Sheingold :: Adrienne Sloane :: Jeanne Rosier Smith :: Karen Sobin-Jonash :: Lilla Szekely :: Deidre Tao :: Fleur Thesmar :: Laura Wallace :: Natalie Warshawer :: Bruno Wernli :: Elizabeth West :: Michael Wilson :: Steve Zafarana :: Sue Zafarana :: Jim Zingarelli

gallery twist…

… is located in the center of Lexington, Massachusetts, in a beautiful historic home near the Battle Green. 

Our unique setting in a beautiful historic house, together with the distinctive way we display art, makes ours a gallery with a twist. Each year we present five exhibitions that offer visitors an opportunity to enjoy an eclectic mix of New England artwork in various styles and media. Typically 200+ artworks by 50+ artists are shown. Here, in a home setting, you can easily imagine the art in your own home or workspace. We encourage visitors to ‘just be’ with each piece, and offer what many have called ‘an art experience’.

We look forward to welcoming you! 

If we don't have a show hanging currently, you can still visit our online galleries to see a wide selection of great artwork. All pieces are available for sale.

Didn’t visit before?
Here’s a taste of what to expect at gallery twist…