Justine is always making new work and is happy to work to commission if there is a size or color palette that works especially well for you.

Arlington based painter, Justine Curran, has been honing her skills in design and painting for over ten years. Originally a scenic artist for theatres, Justine blended her theatre design background with her current acrylic painting style. Justine’s evolution into woven painted paper allowed her to mix her love of color, texture and fearless ability to chop up her work to make something new. This art form has allowed her to challenge the boundaries of art making knowing that something beautiful will always come from taking risks.

The migration series tells my story through my four birds. Avventura, meaning adventure in Italian, represents moving forward and keeping a head held high looking toward the next adventure. Jade, inspired by my favorite color, is accepting, loving and wise. If you believe in the spiritual properties of Jade then this bird will bring you good luck! Victoria is dedicated to my mother who always inspired me to be creative and think outside the box. Amethyst is dedicated to my friend who saw my true self and knew that under the hard independent exterior was a unique creative spirit. Each bird is perched on one of a kind painted paper that is then chopped and woven back together. Each piece is made with 5 colors, some are chosen by me but most are suggestions from friends and family. (Or you?!) The work represents collaboration, moving forward, being brave, and loving color.