Anne grew up in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, where she began writing poems and creating imaginary worlds since at least the age of six. Her love of language – especially the English language – led her to major in linguistics at Yale University. Upon graduation an unexpected detour found her teaching art for ten years. This was how she became, de facto, an artist herself, taking classes at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She taught her students that making art is part of what makes us human, and that everyone can and should explore their artistic impulses, both by making art and by appreciating all the art they see around them
In 2005 she published her first book, of which she was both author and illustrator, combining her two loves.
Anne lives outside Boston with one husband, one cat, two children, and assorted houseplants. In addition to block prints and writing, she enjoys gardening, quilting, music, and failing to do housework.

“Getting serious about my art and writing has been a way to reconnect with people, and a way to share what I love and what I get excited about. Both writing and making block prints are very solitary pursuits for me, and I like that I can balance the solitude of working out my ideas with the human connections of sharing my work at shows. I believe that both art and writing allow us to envision our world in new ways that just might be the key to making the world a better place. I really enjoy sharing that vision with people.”